Deepika Padukone took to Instagram to celebrate the seventh anniversary of her 2013 film Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani. Sharing two pictures with her ex-boyfriend and co-actor Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika wrote, "Our very first look test...‘Yaadein mithai ke dibbe ki tarah hoti hain...Ek baar khula, toh sirf ek tukda nahi kha paoge’-Naina Talwar.” For those who haven't watched the film yet, it is a quote from the movie itself and Deepika plays the character of Naina Talwar. The actress sent the internet into nostalgia with these two super adorable pictures of Naina and Bunny (Ranbir Kapoor). While everyone started gushing over their chemistry in the film, Deepika's husband Ranveer Singh also couldn't help but comment on the post.“Cuuuute,” he wrote in the comments section and we absolutely agree with Ranveer.
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